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公告时间:2024-10-30 19:49:36

Stock Code: 000011, 200011 Stock Name: PRD, PRD-B Announcement No.2024-48
ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as the
“Company”) and all the members of the Company’s Board of Directors hereby guarantee
that the contents of this Report are true, accurate and complete and free of any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions.
Important Notes:
1. The Board of Directors, the Sup ervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Compa ny
hereby guarantee that the contents of this Report are true, accurate and comp let e and free of any misrep resentations, misleading
statementsor material omissions, and collectively and individually accept legal responsibility forsuch contents.
2. The Company’s legal representative, head of fin anci al affairs, and h ead of the fin anci al department (equivalent to finan cial
manager) hereby guarantee that thefinancial statementscarried in thisReport are true, accurate and complete.
3. Indicate whetherthe financial statementsin thisReport have been audited by an independent auditor.
□Yes No
I Key Financial Information
(I) KeyAccounting Data and Financial Indicators
Indicate whetherthere is any retrospectively restateddatumin thetable below.
□Yes No
Q3 2024 YoY change (%) Q1-Q32024 YoY change (%)
Operatingrevenue (RMB) 461,778,206.82 -11.51% 1,317,806,652.07 -45.71%
Net profit attributable tothe
listed comp any ’sshareholders -5,631,440.84 -153.90% 3,581,016.97 -98.45%
Net profit attributable tothe
listed comp any ’sshareholders -2,115,855.29 -118.82% 7,623,172.68 -96.72%
before exceptional gains and
losses (RMB)
Net cash generated from/used — — -1,752,947,755.94 -86.56%
in operating activities (RMB)
Basic earnings p er share -0.0094 -153.90% 0.0060 -98.45%
Diluted earnings pershare -0.0094 -153.90% 0.0060 -98.45%
Weighted average return on -0.13% -0.37% 0.08% -5.14%
equity (%)
30 September 2024 31 December 2023 YoY change (%)
Totalassets (RMB) 16,116,648,356.93 16,988,062,068.09 -5.13%
Equity attributable tothe 4,478,948,594.89 4,661,810,328.75 -3.92%
listed comp any ’sshareholders
(II) Exceptional Gains and Losses
App licable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
Item Q3 2024 Q1-Q32024 Note
Gain or loss on disposal of
non-current assets (inclusive -4,662.27 21,393.70
of impairment allowance
Government grants
recognised in profit or loss
(exclusive of those that are
closely related to the
Company's normal business One-time government grants
operations and given in 100,000.00 344,448.00 received
accordance with d efined
criteria and in compliance
with government p olicies, and
have a continuing impact on
the Company'sprofit orloss)
Non-op erat ing income and -4,331,440.37 -4,288,762.26 Payment of compensation
exp ense otherthan the above
Other items that meet the Adjustment of theVAT
definition of exceptional 19,035.81 -834,439.22 deduction accrued in the
gain/loss previousy ear
Less: Income tax effects -707,263.75 -871,750.65
Non-controlling 5,782.48 156,546.58
interestseffects (net of tax)
Total -3,515,585.56 -4,042,155.71 --
Otheritems that meet thedefinition of exceptional gain/loss:
App licable □ Not applicable
Since the VAT deduction p referent ial p olicy is valid until 31 December 2023, and this benefit does not have a continuing imp act
on the Company’s profit or loss, the adjustment to this matter in 2024 based on the actual numb er of de clar at ion is included in
excep t


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