公告时间:2024-11-01 18:12:44
Stock Code: 688007 Stock Short Name: Appotronics
Appotronics Corporation Limited
2024 Third Quarter Report
The Board of Directors and all the directors of the Company warrant that the
information contained in this Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading
statement or material omission, and agree to assume the liability for the truth, accuracy and
completeness of this Report according to the law.
Important note:
The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior officers of the
Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Quarter Report is true, accurate and
complete and this Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or major omission,
and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Quarter Report.
The Principal of the Company, Person in Charge of the Accounting Work and Person in Charge of the
Accounting Body (Chief Accountants) warrant the information presented in the financial statements in
this Quarter Report is true, accurate and complete.
Whether the third quarter financial statements have been audited
□ Yes√ No
本报告为深圳光峰科技股份有限公司自愿披露的《2024 年第三季度报告(英文版)》,对本报告的中英文版本理解上发生歧义时,以中文版本为准。
This is 2024 Third Quarter Report(English version) voluntarily disclosed by Appotronics
Corporation Limited. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this
report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
I. Main financial data
(I) Main accounting data and financial indicators
From the
During the Change on a beginning of the Change on a
Item reporting period year-on-year year to the end year-on-year
basis (%) of the reporting basis (%)
Operating revenue 638,189,703.62 10.53 1,719,599,203.83 4.18
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed 32,036,983.19 -40.28 42,946,596.63 -66.59
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after deduction 26,127,282.79 -38.19 39,606,570.30 -48.22
of non-recurring profit
or loss
Net cash flow from N/A N/A 71,523,197.79 -65.77
operating activities
Basic earnings per share 0.07 -41.67 0.09 -67.86
Diluted earnings per 0.07 -41.67 0.09 -67.86
share (RMB/share)
Weighted average return -0.77 -3.18
on net assets (%) 1.16 percentage 1.54 percentage
points points
Total R&D investments 60,404,938.21 -11.74 172,023,725.41 -11.71
Proportion of R&D -2.38 -1.8 percentage
investments to operating 9.47 percentage 10.00 points
revenue (%) points
Changes at the
end of the
At the end of the At the end of the prior year reporting
reporting period period from
the end of the
prior year (%)
Total assets 4,201,059,005.89 4,220,570,891.16 -0.46
Owners’ equity
attributable to 2,754,080,586.20 2,818,869,452.99 -2.30
shareholders of the listed
Note: The term “reporting period” refers to a period of three months from the beginning of this quarter
to the end of this quarter, same as below.
(II) Items and amounts of non-recurring profit or loss
√ Applicable □ N/A
Amount from the
Item of non-recurring profit or Amount for the beginning of the year Description
loss current period to the end of the
reporting period
Gain or loss on disposal of
non-current assets, including -655,886.03 -1,198,793.99
write-off of provision for asset
Government grants recognized
in profit or loss for the current
period (excluding government