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公告时间:2024-10-24 17:10:13

Stock Code: 300957 Stock Abbreviation: Botanee Announcement No.: 2024- 053
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
2024 Q3 Quarterly Report
Botanee and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the information disclosed herein is true,
accurate and complete without false hoods, misleading statement s or major omissions.
1. Botanee’s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, as well as directors, supervisors and senior management
officers guarantee that the present quarterly report is true, accurate and complete without false hoods, misleading
statements or major omissions, and undertake individual and joint legal liabilities arising therefrom.
2. Botanee’s legal representative Mr. Guo Zhenyu, CFO Mr. Wang Long, and Head ofAccounting Department Mr.
Liu Zhaofeng hereby declare that the financial information herein is authentic, accurate, and complete.
3. Whether this Q3 report has been audited or not:
□ Yes No
I. Key financial data
(i) MajorAccounting Data and Financial Indicators
Whether the Company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate the accounting data for the previous years
□ Yes No
in the period
Change in From the from the
This Reporting the beginning of the beginning of
Period Reporting year to the end of the year to
Period (%) the Reporting the
Period end of the
Operating revenue(RMB) 1,213,087,219.34 14.04% 4,017,760,019.31 17.09%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed -68,999,289.50 -153.41% 414,768,732.22 -28.39%
companies (RMB)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after deducting non- -78,224,976.78 -158.23% 341,368,837.06 -32.81%
recurring Gains and Losses
Net cash flows from operating 6,430,018.31 -94.83%
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share -0.16 -151.61% 0.99 -27.74%
Diluted earnings per share -0.16 -153.33% 0.98 -27.94%
Decrease by
Weighted average ROE -1.16% Decrease by 3.41 7.07% 3.11
percentage points percentage
End of the End of the Change in the End of This
reporting period Previous Year Reporting Year over the End of the
Previous Year (%)
Total assets (RMB) 7,804,443,170.41 7,506,930,342.79 3.96%
Owners' equity attributable to
shareholders of listed 5,903,907,588.93 5,860,994,371.02 0.73%
companies (RMB)
Whether the Company’s share capital has changed and affected the amount of shareholders’equity due to secondary
public offering,placement; allotment; ESOP exercise , buybacks and other reasons from the end of the reporting
period to the disclosure date of the quarterly report.
Yes □No
Current reporting Beginning of year
period to end of reporting
Dividends for Preferred Shares That Have Been Paid ( RMB)
Interest Paid on Perpetual Bonds ( RMB)
Fully Diluted Dividends per Share Based on Latest Share -0.1629 0.9792

Capital ( RMB / Share)
(ii) Item andAmount of Non-Recurring Gains and Losses
Applicable □ Not applicable
Currency: RMB
Amount for the Amount from the
Item current reporting beginning to the Description
period end of the


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