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公告时间:2024-10-23 19:59:42

Share ’s code: 000550 Share’s Name: Jiangling Motors No.: 2024-041
200550 Jiangling B
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
2024 Third Quarter Report
Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd. and its Board members undertake that the
information d isclosed herein is truthful, accurate and complete and does
not contain any false statement, misrepresentation or major omission.
Important Note
1. The Board of Directors and its members, the S uper visor y Board and its
members, and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the
truthfulness, accuracyand completeness of the informationdisclosed in the
Report, and confirm that the i nformation disclosed herein does not co ntai n
any false statement, misrepresentation or major omission.
2. Chairman Qi u Tiangao, CFO Joey Zhu and Chief of Finance Department,
Hu Hanfeng , confirm that the financial statements inthis Quarter Report are
truthful, accurate and complete.
3. Whether the 2024 third report is audited
□Yes No
§1 Brief Introduction
1. Main accounting data and financial indicators
Unit: RMB
Reporting period YoY Beginning of YoY
(2024 Third Change Year to End of Change
Quarter) (%) Reporting (%)
Revenue 9,810,550,680 21.44% 27,730,616,481 17.96%
Net Profit Attributable to the 270,610,898 -3.38% 1,166,091,015 15.52%
Equity Holders of the Company
Net Profit Attributable to
Shareholders of Listed 273,470,523 14.05% 1,084,643,011 64.96%
Company After Deducting
Non-Recurring Profit or Loss
Net Cash Generated From —— —— 1,726,373,652 -28.53%
Operating Activities
Basic Earnings Per Share 0.31 -3.38% 1.35 15.52%

Diluted Earnings Per Share 0.31 -3.38% 1.35 15.52%
Weighted Average Return on 2.65% -0.33% 10.86% 0.37%
Net Asset Ratio (%)
At the End of the At the End of the Previous Change
Reporting Period Year (%)
Total Assets 29,792,675,620 29,141,187,886 2.24%
Shareholder’s equity
Attributable to the Equity 10,928,974,161 10,350,145,738 5.59%
Holders of the Company
2. Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts
Applicable □Not Applicable
Unit: RMB
Reporting period Beginning of
(2024 Third Year to End of
Quarter) Reporting Period
Profit and loss of non-current assets disposal
(including the charge-off part of the asset impairment -6,260,791 4,331,107
Government subsidies included in the current profit 18,366,385 94,745,361
and loss
In additionto the effective hedging business related to
the normal operating business of the Company,
holding the gains and losses of fair value changes
arising from trading financial assets and trading -14,928,061 -1,343,588
financial liabilities, as well as the investment income
obtained from the disposal of trading financial assets,
trading financial liabilities and available for sale
financial assets
Capital occupation fee charged for non-financial 819,252 4,049,856
enterprises included in the current profit and loss
Other non-operating income and expenses except the -1,020,662 -5,041,520
Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of 0 -523,093
non-recurring profit and loss
Less: Income tax impact amount -226,585 15,412,454
Influence of minority shareholders' equity (after-tax) 62,333 -642,335
Total -2,859,625 81,448,004
Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring
profit and loss
□Applicable Not Applicable
There is no any other profit and loss items that meet the definition of
non-recurring profit and loss in the Company.
The description of that the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in
Corporate InformationDisclosure of P ublic Issuing Securities No.1 are defined
as recurring profit and loss items
□Applicable Not Applicable
The Company does not have a situation in w


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