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步步高(002251):Pioneer in AI-based medical imaging industry

招银国际   2021-12-16发布
16 Dec 2021


  C MB International Se curities | Equity Research | Company Initiation



  Airdoc Technology (2251 HK)


   BUY (Initiation)

  Pi oneer in AI-based medical imaging industry Target Price HK$95.32

   Up/Downside +131.35%

  Current Price HK$41.20

  As a pioneer in the field of AI based medical imaging market, Airdoc is leading the industry

  to offer solutions that integrate hardware, software, algorithms and service together as one C hina Healthcare Sector

  product. We are bullish on China AI-based medical imaging market given the large pool of


  untapped patients for accurate AI-based diagnosis. We like Airdoc and initiate at BUY with Jill WU, CFA

  (852) 3900 0842

  DCF-based TP of HK$95.32.


  ? Pioneer in AI-based medical imaging industry. The Company has the first NMPA-

  Jonathan ZHAO

  approved Class III AI-empowered retina-based auxiliary diagnosis product in China, (852) 6359 1614

  Airdoc-AIFUNDUS (1.0), wh


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